French GIGN Counterterrorism unit

This is my version of the Hot Toys GIGN figure…

National Gendermerie Intervention Group – in french is Groupe d’Intervention de la Gendermerie Nationale (GIGN). An elite counterterrorism and hostage-rescue unit somewhat similar to the SWAT of USA. They are more on police related operations than military objectives. Gendermerie meant national police force.

I’m using a Hot Toys Truetype-38 body with a British Prince William look-alike headsculpt. This has been one of my favourite headsculpt for its size proportion, era and nationality diversity (can be german, american, european, then be modern or WWII era too). The head size can accommodate almost all size and shape of 1/6 scale helmets. Facial expression is just perfect for any figure bash.

Since this is my version i prefer to use civilian clothing on this one, and a bit of an inspiration from the newly released Playhouse GSG9 low profile figure. The shirt and shoes is from DID WWII panzer unit uniform; the jeans from Playhouse, nice soft material straight cut jeans. The neck gaiter is from Hot Toys Secret Service figure, i prefer this over a balaclava.

Most of the gears i got loose from ebay and took time for me to find and complete. The special item on this figure is the PASGT helmet with wrap-around protectors and face shield. It looks like a riot police helmet. The body armor vest is great it looks bulky but is easy to handle, the material is soft and manageable on the body. I forgot to place the front neck protection!

The assault vest has got to be one of the coolest I’ve seen done by Hot Toys. The details are remarkable which it seems is missing nowadays in their newer released figures. but one downside on the old gears compared with the new ones by Hot Toys – they are fragile! so handle with care.

The body armor, assault vest, radio, helmet, and revolver are all original from the Hot Toys GIGN figure. MP-5 assault rifle with silencer and light, shotgun, M9 pistol with retention lanyard/drop down holster, gas mask pouch, pocket knife, and kneepads are all Hot Toys. The black belt i think is from Soldier Story.


For now i assigned my GIGN to guard over my XBOX 360 controller 🙂